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Hair Transplantation in Estetistanbul

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Estetistanbul Tıp Merkezi | Hair Transplantation in Estetistanbul

Before Hair Transplant Operation

Before the Hair Transplant Operation, planning and anesthesia are taken and the operation is started.


It is the most important part of the operation. Very critical questions such as how many grafts will be transplanted to the patient, where they will be transplanted, how many sessions will be performed, which blood tests will be requested, whether another doctor's opinion will be needed, the points to be considered before the operation, where the hairline will start, where single, where double and multiple grafts will be planted. all answers are determined during planning.

Anesthesia Vision

Anesthesiologist consultation is of great importance for the risky patient group. This issue becomes even more important in the operation of patients who require regular treatment, such as those with a history of drug allergies, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Hair Transplant Operation

Procedures to be done during the Hair Transplant Operation.

Local anesthesia

In order for the patient not to feel pain, both the area where the roots will be taken and the area where the planting will take place are anesthetized with local anesthesia. The patient, who generally does not feel pain during the operation, will not have to use a pain reliever after the operation.

Retrieval of Grafts

For this procedure, which is done by the Fue Engine, the previously anesthetized area must be inflated with a special liquid. Thanks to this surface-expanding liquid, it is ensured that the roots are released more easily and that more roots are obtained. It is possible to take around 1000-2000 roots per hour on average.

Opening Channels

The channel opening process is done on the field where the roots will be opened. A predetermined number of channels must be opened on the pre-drawn area. During the planning, which should be done without shortening the patient's hair, it is also determined where and how many channels will be opened. Although minor changes are made during the operation, this plan is generally adhered to when opening the channels. Thanks to a special apparatus, a planned number of holes, that is, the channels where the roots will be planted, are opened in the area that was previously anesthetized with local anesthesia. The number of channels should be equal to the number of grafts to be transplanted.

Planting Grafts

It is the last stage of the operation and is the process of planting the roots taken in the first stage into the channels opened in the second stage. Since the area has been anesthetized with local anesthesia before, there is no pain. Once the grafts are taken, they are placed in containers containing a nutritious liquid, where they will be kept sterile. Thanks to this process, which is done in a regular order and by counting, both the grafts are separated into single, double and multiple roots, and the number of grafts taken with an exact and precise figure is determined. It is important to separate the grafts as single, double and multiple, because not all types of grafts are planted all over the planting area.

After Hair Transplant Operation

The procedures to be done after the Hair Transplantation Operation and the situations to be considered.

Discharge of the Patient

Except for the patients who come from abroad and do not want to stay at the hotel, all patients are discharged after the operation. They do not need to be hospitalized. The part where the tissue is taken is closed with a special liquid silicone. No wrapping is required. Thus, cutting the contact with the outer region is provided in an aesthetic way.

Things To Do At Home

After arriving home, the hat must be removed inside. This is important in terms of both the oxygenation of the wounds and the faster healing of the wounds and the elimination of the pressure feeling that the hat will create. It is important not to go out on the day of the operation and the next day and to rest at home.

Sleeping Style

The patient should sleep on his back without touching the planting area. On the first night, it will be useful to check the patient several times during the night by a relative once in a while, and to support the neck with a special pillow. The patient should not lie on their side and should never sleep prone. Sleeping without problems is usually possible after 7-10 days.

First Wash

It is beneficial to do the first wash in the hospital or clinic. Washing should be done at the earliest 24 hours, at the latest 72 hours after the operation. First of all, some softening lotion should be applied on the hair transplantation area and this lotion should be left for 20-45 minutes. After this process, which is done to soften the dried blood, the hair is rinsed with warm water and purified from the lotion. Then, a special medical shampoo is foamed in the palm or other parts of the hair and both the planting and the receiving area are washed.

Use of Medicines

All drugs that may be needed with the serum inserted during the operation should be given intravenously to the patient. The serum should contain emotional relaxants, painkillers, antibiotics and anti-edema drugs. In this way, the patient will not feel any pain and discomfort during the operation and will be away from the risk of infection. Antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory, anti-edema preparations and antiseptic drugs to be used in dressings must be used.


It is beneficial not to have a haircut for the first 2 weeks. From the second week, hair can be shaved with a razor or scissors. From 60 days, hair can be shaved as desired. Experienced hairdressers who have had hair transplantation or have shaved the hair of the patients who have had hair transplantation before, should do their first haircut in this process.

Hair Regrowth Process

In the first 3 weeks after planting, the hair is shed in such a way that the roots remain inside. In fact, it would be more correct to call this phenomenon a break. Roots waiting for 90 days after planting begin to emerge after this period. As some of the hair comes out every day, the process proceeds naturally and without exaggeration. At the end of about 8-10 months, almost all hair (under ideal conditions, the probability of wastage is 3%) will have grown.

Second or Third Sessions

A second or even a third session can be planned for patients who cannot completely close the hair gap in a single session. In such a case, it would be ideal to wait around 8 months. The second session is recommended by all physicians to close the defects, fill some empty spaces and increase patient satisfaction for almost all patients.