
Let us determine your most suitable hair transplantation method.

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Fue Method

Estetistanbul Tıp Merkezi | Fue Method

What is Hair Transplantation with Fue Method?

Hair transplantation with Fue is the hair transplantation performed by collecting the hair to be transplanted in the donor area one by one with the help of a special tool. Compared to the old methods, this method does not leave any scars on the scalp since there is no incision in the donor area, and the scalp heals in a very short time. In addition, the number of grafts collected is much higher than the old methods. It is done under local anaesthesia. You can talk to the person, take a break for lunch or rest and continue again.

This graft collection time takes about 2 hours. Then, the channels where the grafts will be planted are opened by the doctor with very small scalpels, which we call slits. The thickness, depth, angle and direction of the channels are very important. According to the person's own appearance and the structure of the grafts, how the channels will be opened is determined by the doctor. If the channels are not opened properly, hair transplantation will not be a natural hair transplantation.

After the channel opening process, the grafts that are separated according to their characteristics are placed in the channels. The placement of the grafts is also very important. More single grafts are placed in the channels in the front row and multiple grafts are placed in the back rows, so the result looks more natural. After a 6-hour procedure, the person is discharged. There is no need to stay in the hospital.