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Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplantation

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Estetistanbul Tıp Merkezi | Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplantation

How is Beard, Mustache and Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

In addition to planting on the scalp, beard, mustache or eyebrow transplantation can also be done with the FUE method. Unlike eyebrow contouring, a permanent and beautiful result is obtained for female patients who do not have enough eyebrows.

Again, the same FUE method is applied to male patients who have openness in the beard or mustache area, whether congenital or due to any accident. Just like in hair transplantation, the hairs to be transplanted are obtained from the donor area on the nape.

Then, channels are opened with very thin slits on the area in the eyebrow, beard or mustache area to be transplanted. In this type of planting, the frequency, direction and thickness of the channels to be opened are very important. The channel should be opened towards the natural exit direction of the hairs. The grafts to be taken from the donor area and used in transplantation are selected from single grafts. Thus, an image close to nature is formed.